About the Tour

Enjoy a week cycling through beautiful and historic southeastern New England, with a focus on the region’s cultural, maritime, and industrial heritage.  We will travel through New England’s three largest cities and the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution.  Between towns, we’ll explore the bucolic woodlands and coastal areas that make this region a vacation destination.

No need to carry luggage, or give up on comfort.  We’ll have a van to carry your bags and a mechanic to keep you rolling, and will be staying at hotels throughout the week.  The tour includes 6 riding days and 7 nights accommodations, with breakfasts, lunches, and ferry tickets included.

The tour leader is Matt Moritz, trained by the Adventure Cycling Association, and veteran leader or co-leader of full-service, self-contained, and inn-to-inn trips around the U.S.A including coastal Oregon, Vermont, northern Michigan, Finger Lakes Region of New York and Cape Cod.

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Operations of the Yankee Roundabout Tour include a donation to the East Coast Greenway Alliance.  Without their commitment and work towards a route connecting communities, the tour would be much less interesting. ECGA logo horizontal

The Yankee Roundabout is operated by Well Rounded Events, LLC.
